紀北の旅 作品集 紀北の旅 作品集 紀北の旅 作品集
紀北の旅 紀行文作品集2005
Interesting Place KIHOKU
Harumasa Ninomiya

YakiyamaI always think "What are Japanese people?"
Of course, Japanese people are Japanese people.
People know that, even though kids.
But nobody knows the origin of Japanese.
I traveled many places in Japan look for origin of Japanese.

KIHOKU is one of interesting places in Japanese history.
Especially Owase city has many many historical treasures.
Many famous festivals. People enjoy that.
Of course people from abroad too.
I think more than 2000years ago, fishermen came this place.
Boss is female. She is sometimes strong and sometimes kind.
Each family boss is also female.
That is very interesting for me, because this termユs love style is fantastic.
So KIHOKU region is very interesting.
This region history is valuable.
I love KIHOKU region and history.
Someday I find the truth of history absolutely.

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作品の版権はすべて「もてなしのさとづくり会議 人づくり部会」帰属しています。